Thursday, March 1, 2007


HE had those keen moist eyes.
Which could inspire dead warriors to fight!!!

He was down millions of time.
But was up with every new sunshine.

Thousands of times his blood was shed.

But he never fret.

He was sure this was the last disaster
And prayed to GOD -the mystery master.
Pain in his body reminded him of his past.
But thinking about the future glory he let it pass.

Since so long he was waiting the arrival of this dawn.
At last, the night has ended with yawn.

He toiled for this day since so long.
He knew he wouldn’t be proved wrong.

He knew that soon the morning would arrive.
And all his frustrations would no longer thrive.
This was the dream which he so far nurtured.
For the sake of this glorious future.

He thanked god for making his dream come true.

GOD replied--Credit goes to you.
You are the one by whose faith bad luck has choked.
And destiny showed a beautiful stroke.

I make those breakers in your path.
To get in you that thousand diamonds worth a


vinay said...

hey!!ur got sme talent yaar!!!seriously awesome!!!i loved it!!

sparrow said...

Oscar wilde liked it??

vinay said...
